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This article highlights the extra responsibilities that a buy wow gold raid leader may face and some of the areas which new raid leaders should be thinking about above and beyond being a participating member of the raid. The good RL's prepare before a raid and analyse after a raid. They look to stop problems before the arise and find out the issues to stop them happening again. I'm a big believer in raid preparation and analysis and I dont think people give RL's enough credit for the time it takes them. Some RL's log in, run a raid, then log out, in 99% of the time this just wont cut the mustard. Raid Preparation Okay, so some people will think I'm stating the obvious here but so many times I've seen a RL fail on one of these things so here is my checklist for my own RL preparation. 1. Addons Updated (especially DBM, Raid Roller, Raid Buff Status, Combat Logger and Recount) 2. Plenty of juice and snacks, don't you find it annoying for folks to afk all the time? 3. Tactics, do i know them? Who else knows them? 4. Team, what classes do I want, what's the minimum DPS for the raid, what healer combo? 5. Is my Vent working properly? Can everyone hear me easily and I can I hear everyone else? 6. Do i need to take a leak? Yes that's right, I take a Bio BEFORE i log in, just like before a long journey 7. Start invites 510 mins before event, check who's signed up, invite those first. Some people might say that's a pretty normal routine and some might say its a bit OCD but you know what, by the time I've done my checks I'm mentally prepared to lead and to raid. I feel confident that I have everything I need and I can go into that raid knowing that I can give it my best. Sometimes there are factors outside of my control that mean the raid doesn't go according to plan but as long as they ARE outside of my control I don't feel like I'm the one to blame. See taking responsibility for the raid is what being a RL is all about. If it goes wrong the first person to look at is the RL and if you cant stand up under your own scrutiny your very unlikely to stand up under someone elses. Always try to set the highest standards you expect your team to abide by otherwise your integrity is a joke. During the Raid, Keep calm... mostly;) When I say keep calm I don't mean that you shouldn't be demanding or that you should be a pushover or timid. There are times when I have shouted down Vent to get attention and focus back from the raid, but I warn you now you can only really get away with this if you know your team well and whatever you do don't direct it at one person, make it generic. I don't recommend doing this all the time but once in a while it's important to stamp authority on the raid and let people see who is in charge, people like leadership, even if they grumble a bit at the time. Example from last night, we got into Uld 10 to do the weekly raid quest, and we wiped on Ignis. I mean Ignis is old news, he's a has been, it's not a hard fight and everyone knew what to do. People had got too sloppy, they didn't respect the raid enough and were chatting and messing around. I shouted for some quiet and focus, I don't mean I went mental, I raised my voice and said it wasn't good enough and I wanted more from folks. We res, run and proceed to kill him. You could have heard a pin drop on vent for a minute or two, the person who broke the silence was me, back to a happy tone. For this to be effective you really need to be quite calm normally otherwise you don't get the same stunned silence.;) Don't try to overanalyse stuff during a raid, go with your guy instinct a bit. You should be able to easily identify if healing, dps or tanking is an issue. Your raiders will more than likely drill down to specifics but don't get caught up in trying to micro manage a raid encounter that doesn't need much more than basic tactics. A perfect example of this is Faction Champions. You don't HAVE to assign a CC sequence for each mob. Just assign the people and you can expect them to know their class well enough to get the job done. If they don't, then don't be afraid to ask them where it went wrong, get them to supply the issue and then help them with a solution that will enable them to do their assigned job. If that still doesn't work then assign it to someone else or replace them. Just be reasonable about it.

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