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Home | wow gold | swtor credit | swtor power leveling | swtor credit | sw credits | wow gold | sw credits | Star Wars Credits | swtor credit | Star Wars Credits | wow gold | Star Wars Credits | cheap swtor credit | Star Wars Credits | cheap swtor credit | Star Wars Credits | cheap swtor credit | Star Wars Credits | cheap swtor credit | Star Wars Credits | | RSS If you are into the World of Warcraft it's only a matter of sw credits time before you want to know what sells for Star Wars Credits the most Gold on WoW. There are swtor credit a lot of purple and swtor credit blue items that can sell well but I believe the Star Wars Credits most sought after item is wow gold still the Shadowfang Blade. The Shadow fang is only found in one instance in wow; Shadowfang Keep! Shadowfang keep is located in Southern Silverpine Forest. The mobs in Shadowfang keep are level 18 21. You can enter the keep at level 14 but be prepared to have some backup if you go at this low level. How much Gold does it sell for? It depends on the server but I have heard people spending on average 5,000 Gold and it's not uncommon to sell them for 10,000 Gold. The reason this sword is so rare is because it is the best level 19 twink sword in the game. It is also a very rare drop so that makes it worth even more Wow Gold. The mob levels in Shadowfang keep were lowered a few patches ago. It was rare before the patch but after the patch it is believed by some that now it can only drop off level 21 and higher mobs in Shadowfang Keep. This narrows your options down to only 5 bosses that can drop it. I have never looted the Shadowfang but I have ran the Shadowfang Instance about 100 times and looted many blue, bind on equip items. I even looted level 19 blue items from treasure chests and off of mobs less than level 21 so I still believe it can drop from any mob Level 19 and higher in the keep. While it may not be worth your time to farm for this wow item if you do happen to loot it you will have plenty of gold to spend. Of course everyone will have their own opinion but I believe the Shadowfang is what sells for the most gold on wow.

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