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While you're killing and sto credit looting things anyway, you also could skin them. It is quick and star trek online gold easy way to get extra valuable loot.From my experience,I find Mining makes a sto credits bit more money because ore is more in star trek gold demand.Such as Blacksmiths, Engineers, and now Jewelcrafters all need it, as opposed to Alchemists for herbs. But in star trek online gold my opinion, you can gather stuff faster with less quest interuption and wow gold level faster from Herbalism b/c. Gathering herb nodes consists of shiftclicking the node once, waiting a few seconds, leveling your skill, then you're on your way again. Mining consists of shiftclicking the node 3 or 4 times, but leveling the skill only once for all that work, and taking 34 times the amount of time to mine that node. But whichever you pick, herb/skin or mine/skin, both make a lot of money, you can't really go wrong. On Bloodhoof EU these sell for 50s 75s per potion!! That means a pack of 5 will get you between 2?g 4.25g!! Why? Cos anyone who wants to get out of trouble fast needs Swiftness potions it gives you 50% extra speed for 15s but with only a 2 minute cooldown (unlike Dash which is 5 mins).The hard bit is getting the recipe but just make sure you trawl AH regularly and have about 5g 10g on you and someone will make a mistake and undersell this recipe. Believe me. it pays for itself very quickly why? The ingredients are the easiest to come by for any character of 15th level or higher. It needs Briarthorn and Swifthistle and a leaded vial. Briarthorn is found in areas of 10th 20th level and swifthistle is found with Briarthorn or Mageroyal (again found in 10th lvl + areas). Frost Oil (Apply to ur weapon and on hit it has chance of doing a frost bolt and lasts 30mins and has a cool visual effect glowing blue).This one sells for between 75s and 1g each!Hard thing about this is that you really need to be around 35th level to get the recipe and find ingredients.Despite Allakhazam giving the recipe the green colour code meaning a world drop, it isn't. There's a goblin on the North Wall of the ruins in Alterac where the Crushridge Warmongers are he sells the recipe. If you have a feral druid or rogue you can sneak past all the mobs to buy this. He prolly won't have it in his inventory (which puts alot of ppl off cos they think someone has just bought it and it won't spawn soon) but just hang around for about 10 mins and keep checking his inventory regularly to see whether its there. You must check or it will spawn and then despawn after a time (so I hear).Ingredients are Winterbite and Khadgars Whisker. Easy enough to come by but you need to be around 35th level. Wintersbite is only available in snowy mountain places like Alterac but Khadgars can be found in Badlands and Swamp of sorrows quite easily. Auctioneer is very familiar for every player.And I belive you know it is useful for arbitraging mispriced items in the AH. In auction house you scan for items the price of which are lower than average AH sale price and have short duration left on the auction. Many times, I find the best values are in auctions for commodity items with very low minimums and no bids (e.g. a stack of wool cloth or firefin snapper or something).In this luck time,you should buy them up during server off and resell them later at market average prices or the prices grow more than than average. You will earn money,isn't it? It must need some time and you should be patient, but it is a pretty time efficient way to make some wow gold. If you are a new world of warcraft player and want to have more fun in game,you can buy wow gold (from WGT online I know is the best one)to make your character strong.When your charater reaches certain level, then try above strategies,you will feel easier.But above all, the purpose you need to make money is to have fun playing the game. Do what you want, enjoy it, and before you'll know it, you'll have the epic mount you so desperately desire. Just in time to start saving for flying mounts.

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