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Hi all, Over my 2 years of pearl necklace playing ive found alot of ways to make gold im going to share some with you today, I wrote this myself and pearl necklace im sure many players will know these tips and tricks, There all legal and all doable. Some need percific professions or a certain class even a certain server! but please read and if i messed somthing up or you want to add a method feel free to do Pearl jewelry so.


1) Playing the auction house.

Ok so youve got a few gold in your bags any you want to multiply it, First thing you wanna do Pearl Necklaces is get wowui.incgamers/ui.php?id=137 This mod will allow you to scan your auction house, It will calculate the black pearl necklace avrage price of cheap wow gold a certain item i:e  Linen cloth on AH = 50 stacks avrage price 50 silver that means that usually linen cloth will sell for 50 silver. In order to make this addon useful u may need to scan the AH about 23 times a week then u can get a very good estimate on how much a certain item is worth.


2) Strange dust = $$

This may vary server wise, But on my server Strange dust can go from 1g50s + per stack and people dont know how easy it is to get, If your main is an enchanter then u can run an instance like RFC,Deadmines collect all the loot and either disenchant it or send to a level 5 toon ( 5 minimum to learn basic enchanting ) and disenchant it. This is a good money maker for around... level 30 anything higher and its probly not worth it.


3) Boosting.

If your around level... 30ish you can start offering boost's to players, A boost is just where u kill everything in an instance for a certain player then he/she pays you for it, It may not seem a good way but if you combine this with the enchating mats youll get you can make alot of gold, If your lucky you may get a level 70 on an alt of theres and 1530 gold is nothing for them, Personally ive had someone pay me 20g for 1 run of deadmines.


4) Enchanting again.

Now, This is similar to the strange dust method but a little diffrent. First off get this mod norganna.org/ Its called enchantrix ( scroll down the page and youll find it ) Basically it gives good information on what your going to get if you disenchant a certain item. Now youll need a small bit of gold for this. Firstly make sure you have scanned the aution over a couple of weeks then look to see what enchanting mats are selling well. I;E  Greater eternal essence is selling really well. So go to the aution house look for items that can be disenchanted into greater eternal essence. u may find some real bargins for like 50 silver, You disenchat it and then sell the mat for like x5 that this can work with allmost any enchating mat.


5) Gather

Firstly get this addon wowen.cursegaming/downloads/details/24/ Its called gather what it does is every time you, or someone in your party/guild picks a herb / mine it will notify you so lets say Bob mines a gold mine, 1 day later you go there and the mine has come back then u can mine it. But what you want to look for is Fadeleaf, Gold mines , Silver mines especially as in my experience these sell very well.


6) Robbing the rogues

Ok i know from leveling up a rogue how cool blind powder is, But i didnt have herbalism, I was forking out alot of gold for fadeleaf in the auction house ( 20g a stack ) So i decided to make an alt level up herbalism to 160 ( note, if you google "Herbalism Guide" youll find some good guides to help you level herbalism )

youll want to be around level 45 for this to work well, Combined with the gather addon and auctioneer u can pin point what herbs are selling well ( usually fadeleaf / Swiftwistle for rogues reagents ) And keep picking and selling them, A good idea is to introduce as many guildies as you can to gather then u get more info on where to gather!


7) Fadeleaf and SM

this works best at 45+ for a none stealth class and 40+ for stealth. In SM there is allmost allways a fadeleaf node whitch can hold up to 3 fadeleaf all you need to do is go in, pick ( avoiding mobs carefully ) go out and reset rinse and repeat a few times and the gold will be rolling in.


8) Firey weapon ftw.

Ok youll need a 55+ char for this ( or maybe a good geared 50+ ) What you need is enchanting Or bring a friend with enchanting. I used my 70 mage to aoe all the mobs, And had a level 37 friend come for the XP. Go into SM armory kill all the mobs if needed ( if you have enchanting yourself its not needed ) go kill herod and allmost all the time ull get a "Small radiant shard" ( not checking percent cus im lazy :P ) you need 4 of these for firey weapon and u can gather 4 in around 25 mins on a level 70 mage thats about 10 per hour, You can either sell these for a healthy profit or gather a firey essence and sell the enchat also for a good price to twinks or others.


9) Fishing.

You can do this at around level 2022 and u can make boat loads, What you want to do is go to the "Wailing Caverns" Instance, Now u can either fish inside the instance or fish outside im not to sure where gives you the best percent of fish but you want to be fishing for "Deviate Delight" This is a yellow fish with the "eat me" tag, Without being cooked this fish will still sell well.


10) Fishing + cooking.

Now after you get so bored of fishing you would rather play guild wars..... Well i dont think anyone could get that bored but anyway. What you want to do is find

thottbot/i6661 It is the recipe to cook, Savory deviate delight these fish can sell from 20g + for a stack, But the recipe itself can go for double that, Its your decision whitch youd rather do personally i like to learn the recipe and cook the fish in the long run i think u make more money. ( note  the drop chances are extremly low but of you have the paitece you can make a health sum. )


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