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1) The Gatherer

There are many things to buy wow gold be gathered in the game. This includes leather, herbs, ore, fish, linen, wool, mageweave, stones, gems, and so on. Moreover, there is much gold to be made here.

2) The Farmer

This is a profession usually taken on by those of higher (level 40+, usually 55+) level characters. To do this, you simply do instance runs or kill named bosses multiple times or do multiple runs through the instances in world of warcraft gold the chance of gold wow getting a drop. Before the buy ffxiv gil patch that came out today (this was written the day the honor system came out), this is what almost all level 60 players did (since then, many lvl 60s have taken up pvp ? attacking the wow gold buy crossroads for example ? and then with the battlegrounds patch, they go to the BGs).

3) The Crafter

This is one of the players that says forget the gathering, I want to make things. To do wow buy gold this, you better have at ugg classic short least 10  20 gold ready to spend. The first 150 skill points into any craft, you will most likely lose money. In fact, I can almost guarantee it. The items below 150 aren't worth much or in demand enough to make serious cash. This can be said even with items up to level 225. However, past 225, it is pure gold. Be it Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, or Tailoring (note engineering and enchanting are not listed); there is money to be made. Reasons why:

Leatherworking  there are three paths. You can only choose one.

Someone will want what you can make due to only 1/3 of the people being able to make it.

4) Buy Low / Sell High

This is getting into the more complex of the ways to make your gold.

To be able to buy low/sell high, you will need an initial investment.

I suggest at least 10 gold if not 50  100 gold. But, 10 gold will get you started.

The strategy is simple  buy an item at a lower price than it is worth or can be sold for, and then turn around and sell it for that higher price.

5) Controlling the Market

This is by far the most involving way to make money in the world of warcraft. In this, you have to have a monopoly on the market  our example will be large glimmering shards. To start off, you will need a good bit, at least 10g if not 200g, of initial investment.

Two things to note:

First  other people will see the rise in price in that market and decide to start selling the item as well. If too many people do this, which ALWAYS happens, abandon the market  sell what you have left for more than you bought it for and be done with it. A way to identify if there is too much supply is if there are 20+ of that same item at the auction house. So, you will be controlling a market for roughly 2  3 weeks before you move on to another market due to increase in supply.

Secondly  people will NOT like you for doing this. In America (in the corporate world), this is considered illegal. You ARE monopolizing a market and giving people no choice but to buy from you. You WILL get a negative reputation if you do this long enough  especially if you stay in a market for too long. So, you may not necessarily do this with your main character.

One Last Thing  this method eats up a lot of time. You will have to check the auction house at least twice a day to make sure everything is fine and at your price. You may end up doing this over leveling even. So, only go for this method if you want a challenge. Remember, you cannot just buyout all of a market and expect the worth to change in one day  it takes at least a week of monitoring.

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