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He wields power over the land with a buy gold wow notable use of lava. He buy wow gold cheap wasn't always so evil and ff14 gil corrupt, however. At one time he was actually known as Neltharion the EarthWarder. During peaceful times he was revered for his wisdom and knowledge. However, as time went by a madness started creeping in which was fuelled by whisperings from the Old Gods. They convinced him to create a powerful artifact known as the Dragon Soul. Using his blood, and with the aide of Goblins, a golden disc was created that contained a taint of evil placed by the Old Gods. During the invasion of the Burning Legion, Neltharion convinced the other Dragon Aspects that the Dragon Soul could be used as a great weapon against the demons, and with the help of Malygos, another Dragon Aspect, he succeeded in convincing the Aspects to impart some of their power into the stone, which they then took to ZinAzshari where the Night Elves held the demons at bay. Channelling the destructive power of the Dragon Soul, Neltharion eradicated most of the demons in one fell swoop. However, with complete disregard to the Night Elves and other allies, he also succeeded in killing hundreds of them as well. This was a show of power, and it certainly worked. He wanted to show the strength he possessed and have all other races bow before his might. This act of betrayal sent the other Dragon Aspects into hiding as most of their powers were now contained in the Dragon Soul. The corruption in Neltharion's heart began to manifest itself physically. He began to grow demonic like features, in addition to the new rage that was building inside him. The disc, however, was killing him. In order to keep his powers in check and protect himself from the disc, the Goblins created a suit of armor made of adamantite. This helped to shield his body from the magic. Using the Emerald Dream, Malfurion Stormrage, the great arch druid, was able to locate the Dragon Soul, now being referred to as the "Demon Soul". He snuck into Neltharion's layer and was able to steal the Demon Soul. The Old Gods had Neltharion create the Demon Soul in order to help the Burning Legion create a portal with enough power to allow their leader and creator, Sargeras, enter the world of Azeroth. Using the Demon Soul, the Old Gods hoped to amplify that power, allowing them to escape from the prison deep beneath the planet. So, when Malfurion was eventually captured by Illidan and Varo'then, the stone was handed over to the lead general of the Burning Legion, Mannoroth the Destructor. During their attempt to use the Demon Soul Neltharion tried to retrieve the disc. However, a surge of power cause him to lose his grip, spiralling him away from the portal. Upon the defeat of the Burning Legion, the Dragon Aspects placed an enchantment on the Demon Soul, which would make Neltharion unable to wield its power ever again. The Aspects then asked Malfurion to hide the stone so that none would ever be able to use its destructive power. Enraged, Neltharion became bent on creating suffering and destruction anywhere he went. And thus, Neltharion the EarthWarder ceased to exist, and Deathwing the Destroyer was born. During the Second War, ten thousand years later, Deathwing had discovered the location of the Demon Soul. Knowing that he would never be able to use its powers himself, he settled on manipulating others to do so for him. He found the Orcs of the Dragonmaw Clan to be the best suited for this task. Through his guidance, the Orc Chieftainn, Zuluhed the Whacked, was able to find and acquire the stone. Deathwing sent a Goblin "advisor" to the clan who became a puppet master of sorts, pulling the strings and having the Orcs do Deathwing's biddings. Zuluhed ending up handing over the Demon Soul to Nekros, a warlock, who was then able to tap enough of its power in order to enslave Dragon Aspect Alexstrasza and some of her consorts, in order to breed dragons for the Horde. When Ner'zhul reopened the portal to Azeroth, Deathwing greeted his army and promised aide in return for safe passage to Draenor. He felt the planet was safe enough to harbour some of his eggs and offspring. However, it was there and within his mountain lair that the Alliance Expedition defeated Deathwing and destroyed most of the eggs.

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